The world's dumbest ads
4 min read The world's dumbest ads

The absurd posters and commercials were put together by copywriter Mark Duffy.
Jacobs Coffee
Israel, the advertising agency is JWT.
The father leaves the family because there is no Jacobs coffee at home.
"No Jacobs, no point in staying.”
Burger King
Germany, advertising agency - Interone.
A large undigested burger forms the outline of a pumped up abs.
"Listen to your gut.”
Manufacturer of pillows and mattresses Kurlon
India, advertising agency - O&M.
Pakistani human rights activist Malala Yousufzai gets shot in the head, falls on her mattress and "springs back" up for her award (she was actually wounded by militants in 2012 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014)
Saída De Emergência Bookstore
Portugal, advertising agency - Fuel.
Big sprinklers irrigate the brain with knowledge.
USA, the advertising agency is Venables Bell & Partners.
At the meeting, all the employees take notes on an electronic clipboard, except for one - he sits with a pen and a piece of paper. For this he is ridiculed as a prehistoric man.
As soon as a supervisor notices that one employee has not taken out his tablet, his colleague jokingly shouts: "I take the pen! I use the pen!”
Gossip News Magazine
Uruguay, an advertising agency - Soul Fast.
Singer and actress Lindsay Lohan's head with her body upside down.
Manufacturer of shampoos and conditioners for hair Pert Plus
USA, the advertising agency is Sigma Group.
A dog-turned-man complains to his neighbor that he didn't please his wife with a gift and asks how he manages not to get into such situations. He tells me that he pays attention to detail, gives flowers, and keeps his hair clean.
Store lingerie WonderBra
Greece, an advertising agency - XL.
The Wonderbra brand of bras "attracts men like iron magnets," or rather their names. There are over 3,500 of them in the image - not a single one is repeated.