Technical Texts. How To Write Them Without Being A Specialist In A Specific Topic
3 min read Technical Texts. How To Write Them Without Being A Specialist In A Specific Topic

About copywriting for copywriters.
If you write texts on specific topics, you partly have to be an expert. Otherwise, you will not get a good text. In order to fix this, you need to talk to knowledgeable people and study the topic. You will not be able to write an advertising text for programmers just by scrolling through the abstracts.
It's like giving a classical musician an electric guitar in his hands and telling him to go play a concert at the Olympic. In some ways, the mechanics of production are similar, but you will not be able to rebuild so quickly. And you will probably be asked both for the quality and for the time of work. With the broken technology of working on the text, it will obviously be difficult for you.
Therefore, try to adapt and fit into the specifics.
It's naive to ask the boss to give you texts only about kinder surprises. In a world without fairies and unicorns, you come to work and are given customer tasks. Someone has to do them.
And who, if not you?
Take more time to prepare for writing the text. Do not stress yourself once again due to lack of time. Warn the management in advance that you need more time to work on the technical material.
To reduce anxiety, try to change your attitude. They didn't throw you off, but you, as an adult, independently chose this task. So, in fact, it is. Down with the sacrificial position!
Don't try to reduce the damage. Don't waste your resource on it. It is important for you to solve the problem, and you as a professional will cope with it.