Burnout In Freelancing: Tips For Prevention
10 min read Burnout In Freelancing: Tips For Prevention

So. You work freelance.
In principle, you are satisfied with your income, and there is a demand for orders. But something is wrong. And this feeling is growing.
Burnout is a stage that 99% of freelancers and businessmen go through. People working without obvious ideological props. Simply because you create them yourself.
Here are 5 simple steps to make the work-life balance not just a beautiful set of letters.
All these steps can be divided into 3 parts:
- Psychology
- Physiology
- Business processes
Let's start with our head.
1 step. Stop playing lifeguard!
As a professional, you want to give your highest quality, cool result. But you are in the same boat with the client. If you initially take full responsibility for the final result on yourself, then most likely you will fall into the role of a rescuer. And you will carry everything on yourself. AAND do you need it? The result will be this: burnout hatred of work.
As soon as you started working and took an advance payment, you need to prescribe the conditions. What are you responsible for, and what is your client responsible for? In what time frame should your part of the work be completed? It is important that all this be recorded in writing! It will be easier for you to track the work process.
Step 2. Build personal boundaries!
Yes, we will tell you again about their importance.
But let's divide them into 3 types:
- Personal boundaries in the scope of work.
You immediately indicate what you are doing and what you are not doing. What is included in the payment, and what the client pays extra for. This will help you avoid overworking. And also plan your working day competently.
- Personal boundaries in the work schedule.
Your time is a very valuable resource. This is where everyone falls down. Indicate when you are working and when you have a weekend. The Golden Rule: outside of working hours, we do not check work chats. Repeat like a mantra. You can do it in front of the mirror. If you answer in the morning, and not at 23:46 – no one will die. And you will save the nerves of the person at the other end. After all, no one will receive additional approvals early on Saturday morning! Break this vicious circle.
- Personal boundaries in payment.
Taking an advance payment is not a shame! If the client is worried, sign a contract. You don't need unnecessary risks and speculation. It is much more comfortable to work if you are sure that you will be paid for your work.
Let's move on to physiology.
Step 3. Get off the swing!
Your well-being depends on how you have built your work schedule. Surprised? It seems obvious, but then why do many people forget about it? Suppose you work three days in a row in non-stop mode. You are charged, inspired, full of strength and energy. Literally work hard for 12-14 hours. And you don't even feel tired. That's the kind of superhero you are.
But the reality is that it only happens in Marvel movies. The other 2 days you will feel broken and tired. On Saturday you will rest, and on Sunday you will plow for Thursday and Friday.
There is another option. You work 12 hours a week. And so it goes on for half a month. And for the next 2 weeks, you smear tasks for the same 12 hours. But the quality will suffer.
This is your personal emotional swing. You exhaust yourself to the last of your strength. And it is necessary to recover forcibly. At the same time, you are accompanied by a sense of guilt for laziness. Please plan your day wisely. Give your word to your mom that you will not work more than 9 hours a day. And you will definitely rest.
If you do not rest voluntarily, your body will try for you. And you won't like it. You will start to get sick more often and feel powerless. Believe me, you don't need it.
Learn to listen to yourself and feel tired. Everyone has their own rhythm. You need to catch yours.
Step 4. Take care of your health!
It's not about motivation. It's about your well-being. In quite measurable parameters. Sometimes low iron levels can turn you into a lazy seal. And the lack of magnesium makes you an aggressive T-rex.
This is another reason to listen to yourself. Periodically you need to be checked by a doctor. Do not self-medicate. Diagnoses from the Internet will scare you. And Grandma is unlikely to be able to help you with anything. You will smell of incense and drink tea with herbs, but no more.
Anxiety often leads to poor sleep quality. No healthy sleep – and voila! You're not even a dinosaur. And not a seal. You are a zombie with no motivation to live. What kind of customer search are we talking about here?
And the finale: business processes.
Step 5. Organize business processes!
Do you worry often? Is your life like endless chaos? Are your clients tearing their hair out? There is a solution! Start by writing down all the stages of working with the client. The main thing is to show him your list. So there will be fewer questions. And you will sleep peacefully, because you will know what to do after each stage of approval.
It will also help you understand how many clients you can take in a healthy rhythm. Another plus is that you will have a stable income. You will understand in advance when you need to attract new customers.
Appreciate and love yourself. It is important to maintain a balance so as not to slip into burnout. The main thing is to make it the norm of life.