Myths Of Web-Development
5 min read Myths Of Web-Development

Fries decided to find out how things are now in the web development market and asked the head of the development department of one of the largest marketing agencies about it. And this is what he told us:
If five or ten years ago everyone was shouting, "Do you want to make money? Then you need a selling website!", "We'll make you an online store in one day" and so on, but now things are different. Yes, you can still see such advertisements, which can already be classified as "myths and legends of modern marketing. What else is wrong with web development?
MYTH 1. I created a website and started making money.
You can often find entrepreneurs who think of their own site as a kind of "MONEY" button. Especially among the "old school" bosses. But in fact the site is a tool to solve a range of problems. And for a tool to work, it needs a specialist.
Once created, the site needs support and promotion, visitor analytics, adding new products and improving the quality of content.
MYTH 2: Websites can be selling or non-selling.
The creators of "selling" sites promise to hook up a cash register, make a big "BUY" button... and that's it. A selling site is about quality products, an established process of logistics and payment for goods, and corrected flaws.
MYTH 3. A special department for testing the site.
For stress and unit tests, of course, you may need a department, but does an online store with a dozen products need this? If you have a small project, you can do it yourself. Simply check all the processes of your site one by one: sending a form, opening all the elements correctly, making a purchase, adding to cart, etc.
MYTH 4: It is possible to create a quality website without programmers.
Any website constructor is a set of blanks with a limited range of functions. It will not contain unique content, will not be adapted to your processes. In short, there is no "MONEY" button after creating such sites.
Such designers may be suitable for the creation of temporary sites on the type of shares or one-time specials. In any other case, web developers are needed.
MYTH 5. A project is done until all the edits are gone.
In almost any project there are many additional corrections, revisions and new wishes that are not provided for in the original terms of reference. This is due, firstly, to the fact that appetite, as you know, comes with food. Secondly, when agreeing on the terms of reference for the development, the customer "forgot" or "didn't consider" some functionality. The third reason is even simpler - a change in requirements on the part of the client's management. Usually in this situation, the customer is perplexed at the moment when he is informed that changing the approved terms of reference will cost him an additional budget.