Typical Resume Mistakes That Prevent Even Seniors From Getting Jobs
5 min read Typical Resume Mistakes That Prevent Even Seniors From Getting Jobs

Straight to the point.
Don't tell everything about yourself
Many people confuse their resume with an autobiography. Don't do that, take pity on the HR people. They are not interested in reading about your grades in school.
List your projects, briefly summarize their outcomes, and attach hyperlinks to the proufs. Tell them in one sentence about your education (if you have a college degree, you don't need to talk about school).
Be concise and accurate, writing only the facts about your best qualities. It's great if your resume fits on one page; it's okay if it fits on two pages. No more is required. The rest is on the interview.
Be sober about your skill level
If you write that you know the JAVA, then assess the level of your skill. Let's say in three categories: low, medium, and high.
Some candidates are able to move from this grading system to a percentage system.
"I know 90% of C++." Where does this value come from? What happens if the candidate knows 100%? Why not 83? This is all very strange and raises questions.
But if you indicate just "high" and another technical skill - average - it is immediately clear what you are more competent in.
Create a structure and stick to it
With a page of text, make sure that every important part is in its place. Make categories, sort them by importance, and think about what to write about at the beginning.
For example, you don't have to write your autobiography or what university you graduated from at the beginning. Write more about your work experience.
Possible resume structure:
- name and brief contact information;
- a brief summary (career highlights and accomplishments);
- work experience;
- technical skills;
- portfolio;
- education and curriculum vitae;
- In addition, feedback from former colleagues and supervisors is always helpful.
Don't turn your resume into a designer's creation
Do you feel like opening Photoshop and styling everything beautifully? Add your favorite fonts, styles, and everything to make your resume immediately striking.
But in fact, a resume is a formal document that demonstrates your professional qualities. The whole point is what it says, not how it is written.
Minimalism, one font style, one-color calm background. Nothing complicated.
Spelling is important
Mistakes are inherent in everyone. But try to reduce the number of grammatical, syntactic, logical, and other errors to zero.
The spelling applies not only to the language in which you write, but also to the "digital world. Only capital letters, hyperlinks that are too long, and a stretched-out photo only spoil the impression.
Resume templates will help minimize mistakes.