I will create a custom otf or tff font design
Looking for great fonts?
You are in the right place. We create custom installable font designs for your business.
Be your own font that you can use anywhere, whether you are creating documentation, designing logos, branding, or anything else.
How to use:
logo design
game font
custom font design
installable font design
Edit or change existing fonts
TTF and OTF formats (windows & mac)
WOFF format (website)
unlimited revisions
It would be really great if you could message me first before ordering at my font design gig.
written by hand
Why should you hire us?
We are having full time designers in our team specifically for font designing (working for more than 4 years). We worked with over 200+ happy clients so far.
Can we meet short deadlines?
We are a full time company which operates 19 hours in a day which makes it clear that we can be the most efficient and deadlines effective in the market.
Are these fonts install-able?
Yes the custom designed fonts are install-able and can be used in any software for writing and designing purpose.
I am impressed! Highly recommended to evrybody!
I needed a revision and the seller did not understood what I was looking for !
Quite well done after several issues.It would be ideal if the work would be with no edits!
BAD results but hard worker. Thank you for your hard work.
The performer did not catch what to do. Anyway, finally, after many explanations the performer even did not deliver the material.
Oh my goodness seller did almost a great job but did not taking my notes!
Freelancer is easy to communicate with, adaptive, and fast learning.
Very much repetitive but overall usable and almost happy.
I really like the quality of the service and the seller gets what you are about very quickly.
I did not know what to say or what to wite. Did not liked the services at atll:(
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