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Starting at $50.00

Write and enhance your resume and Linkedin

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( 17 reviews )
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Hello! I'm Ernest Murphy, I'm good at writing resumes and I can improve your Linkedin.


My experience.


I worked in a recruiting agency for 3 years and I know well what employers want and how to write a resume correctly so that it does not get lost. Contact me and you won't regret it!


I build professional Resumes for all clients - from Entry to Executive, Consulting & Tech to Government & many more.


What will give my gig?


✅ Achievement-driven Resume/ CV Content & Keyword Optimization to land interviews.
✅ Partnership with an industry HR expert to guide your applications.
✅ Insider Recruiter Tips & Feedback.
✅ Answers & Advice to demystify your job search questions.
✅ New Content Ideas to boost resume quality.


Do not waste time, write to me!

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