I can do a complete business plan for investment
My job is to prepare business plans (BPs) for companies globally, in any market or industry.
- Loan BP - Bank loan BP is the best way to get funds from the bank at the lowest possible interest rate.
- Institutional Investor BP - the institutional investor BP is able to create the maximum capital needed for your business, but giving away the minimum equity possible.
And see the second image above to learn more about my process, what's included and past success stories.
In addition, the complete business plan will include:
- Executive Summary
- Company Summary
- The Complete Market Analysis (Size, Growth, Driving Drivers, Segmentation), the complete market analysis (Size and size, growth, drivers,
- Competitor Analysis
- Strategy and Implementation Summary
- Management Summary
- SWOT Analysis
- Comprehensive Marketing Plan
- Complete Financial Plan
In addition, the complete financial plan will include:
- 5 Year Profit and Loss
- 5 Year Balance Sheet
- 5 Year Statement of Cash Flows
- Use of Funds
- Break Even Analysis
- Ratio Analysis
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Relevant Graphs and Chart
A business plan will include 2 revisions and will be colour matched to a company logo or website, in order to create a visually appealing design.
Mail me if you need a custom order. When you need me, I can create a customized service package for you.🚀
Do you outsource your projects?
Never, all of our work is done in house. A lot of competitors in the market will outsource their work to recent graduates or to writers abroad. We are trained professionals and do all of the work in house. When you hire us, you know exactly what you are receiving. Our quality speaks for itself.
Do you provide assistance with unknown parts of the plan?
Of course. You can provide as little or as much information as you like. We will use that, in conjunction with market research and our expertise to put together a comprehensive business plan.
How do I know the market research is reputable?
All market research is sourced from highly reputable industry sources. Typically most of our research comes Statista and Ibis World where we have a paid membership. Thus our firm is able to obtain highly detailed and reputable industry reports.
What is your success rate for securing capital
It is unrealistic to post a percentage of success in securing capital, like many competitors do. There are so many factors that come into play when trying to raise funds. Our job is to make sure your package is done right and give you the best chance of raising funds, and that is exactly what we do!
What format will the material be presented in?
The business plan will be presented in both word and PDF format, whereas the financial model will be presented in excel.

Always an absolute pleasure working with this seller. High quality work and goes above and beyond to deliver. Will work with this seller again

Seller always completes my orders on time. I will be coming back for their services again

Disappointed is not even close to how i feel.

Specialist of the low level! Don't recommend at all. Find other experienced performers.

The seller does not fully know what is needed for the project.

You have a great intuition for what a client needs -but could not implement them.

This seller's skills made me want to buy their services!

Very communicative and fast delivery

I loved working with this seller... Still not great communication but delivered exactly what I was looking for!!!

Recommended this seller, seller has a good future, I think!!😉
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