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I will fix unity build errors, crashes, bugs and ads issues

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( 25 reviews )
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Hi gays! Thanks for coming to me. I am an experienced Unity developer and will help you fix bugs, bugs and problems.


What can I fix?


🔘 Error come while update unity version of project.

🔘 Error building Player.

🔘 Unable to merge android manifests

🔘 Unable to convert classes into dex format.

🔘 CommandInvokationFailure

🔘 Failed to re-package resources

🔘 Gradle build failed.

🔘 Unable to list target platforms.

🔘 Android SDK integration Issues.

🔘 Plugin Conflicts.

🔘 Anytime of Ads issues.

🔘 Error come while generating 64 bit apk.

🔘 Remove Google ads violations.

🔘 Reduce APK Size.

🔘 Optimize the Gameplay.

🔘 Any Logical Error.

🔘 Ads integration issues.


Note. If you have another problem, then feel free to write.

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