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Starting at $10.00

I can make a coloring video for kids on youtube

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1 day for delivery

( 19 reviews )
Contact seller


If you want to share videos for kids or on your YOUTUBE channel, do drawing and coloring lessons in your class and teach how to learn colors by coloring, this GIGS is for you. 

Check my profile for more details. 

Other options are available, please contact us first before ordering.


1 day - package

Two videos and one revision of this package.

2nd - package

This package is average, containing 14 videos and revisions. Delivery in 15 days

3 - package

This package is perfect for sharing more videos on your YouTube channel.

 45 videos, delivered in 25 days and more revisions.


If your image has more outlines and if you have any questions, please contact me first. there is). 

If you have complex images, please send them to me before ordering. If you have your own colors in the image or if you are planning on using colors in your video, please contact me before ordering. 

You can't ask for a change after delivery.

(Please let us know in the message box that you would like the normal color)

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