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Starting at $25.00

Provide top 100 rocket league coaching for you

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( 17 reviews )
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Hello, I'm a Top 100 Player/Coach with 10k+ hours in Rocket League and I'm here to help people who really wanna get better and reach that next level.


What I teach is valuable in-depth information that is hard to find coming from someone that has lots of in-game experience at the highest level. I also believe I have a different perspective on the game than most which has allowed me to help my trainees improve MUCH faster than the average player. ️


Coaching Course:


So usually I'll start off by analyzing your replays and pointing out key mistakes, then well compare a replay of mine, and everything that I pointed out in your replays Ill show you examples of in my replays like what I would do instead, what to do in certain situations, better ways to execute it, etc.


I'll also give you tips & resources on how to improve your individual skill such as workshop maps & training packs I used in the past to really help me rank up, and answer any questions you may have throughout the session.

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