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Starting at $9.00

Create a high quality discord bot

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1 day for delivery

( 7 reviews )
Contact seller


Before you order, you need to DM me first to get an exact price for your needs and to prevent your orders from being canceled. In order to update an existing bot, know that I have the right to reject your orders if the code is not desirable to work with (ie messy code)


Gig Information

Hello! The Discord Bot is custom made and tailored to match the needs of your communities and staff? This is the right place. As I have nearly four years of coding under my belt, you can expect an easy order process.


What's Possible

I have many years of coding experience and the most common things I've done before: Moderation Commands, Suggestions, Ticketing. Poll; RSS (Minigames), Trivia Games) Leaderboards & Economies RPG Reaction Role + Paypal Integration. In fact, I can't fit all the things that I know with 1,200 character limit.


How much do you receive?

The ZIP file with the following: Your bot's files and their dependencies, and finally, a READ_ME.txt file explaining how to run the bot.

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