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I can create a custom telegram bot

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( 26 reviews )
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Create your own telegram bot that will do whatever you want!


Bots can help you with many things:

You can manage your channel or Telgram group.

If you are a restaurant owner, you can let your customers book through your bot.

Schools can organize the sale of used books.

It can be used as a place to store data.

You can use it to get specific data from websites such as cryptocurrency prices, predictions, match data, all in real time.


These are just a few examples, but the possibilities are almost endless.


Need working examples?

I created a barbershop bot to help customers book their haircuts. He didn't bring his diary for months! As if that wasn't enough, the bot also acts as a showcase for showcasing products on your website.


We created a bot to make real-time information about Covid-19 available to anyone in the world in 4 languages: English, Italian, Spanish and French.

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