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Starting at $70.00

I can develop a telegram bot

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( 42 reviews )
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Telegram bot development

Make your life easier with the help of smart bots on your smartphone :)

If you have an idea but don't know how to put it into words, or even if it's feasible, don't worry, leave us a message.


Each package includes 1 month of free hosting.

Fully functional as a proof of professional work.


Out-of-the-box solution (might need a few tweaks, but 90% done):

-Crypto coin tracker with real-time market information

-All Crypto Transactions Waterfall Bot

-Shop with inline product menus and in-app payments, a cutting-edge, underrated  marketing platform

-Greeting messages/captures, restricted words, karma system for telegram group  chats


What I'm personally interested in and what the discount does:

-Text-to-speech, image recognition AI

-When it comes to geocoding, make Pokemon Go.

-Interesting and unusual project

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