I can create a perfect discord server
Why me?
unlimited revisions
High responsiveness
100% Buyer Satisfaction
anti-raid system
Setting up anti-spam
automatic moderation
Verification system (using reaction/CAPTCHA)
custom embed
welcome screen
custom welcome image
automatic roll
custom role
role of self
custom channel
Private Staff Division
Embedding custom rules
announcement channel
server backup
leveling system
theme emoji
Deleted messages and image logs
Moderation log
invite tracker
server log
voice log
Changelogs for all other servers and members
Join and create a VC
AFK channel
Server Insights/Stats
present bot
ticket system
Automatic alerts for YouTube/Twitch/Tweet/Reddit
game update alert
member counter
server bump
polling system
temporary role
starboard system
24/7 music
Gamebot settings (dunk members, game robs, aki, etc.)
role of color
translator bot
NFT holder verification
crypto pricing bot
OpenSea Listing Tracker
Premium NFT servers, commercial enterprise servers and server replication services are also available.
When will you transfer the Server ownership?
Once the server will be complete, I will transfer the ownership to you! No worries!
Can you see some of my Previous work?
Yes, of course, you can check out my previous work from my Live portfolio, next to my Gig's thumbnail.
Can you edit my actual Discord Server and not create a new one?
Yes, I do work on existing servers! Just contact me, and we can discuss it in detail!
Good communication, gave exactly as i asked for, would reccomend
Fully patient! and be back again if it works as expected!
Seller is really good. I would recommend them and also take for my next projects.
The seller made some corrections but the rest I did it myself!
Work was completed but it had poor quality.
I recommend performer, they are very good at their job, but with medium quality and service.🤝
Freelancer's very easy to communicate with, and very nice & patient! Would recommend 90%!
The service is so well-researched and amazingly detailed. Great!
I will recommend the freelancer to anyone. Freelancer is a medium but very timely manner!😉
I really like your work. Thank you very much.
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