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Starting at $10.00

I can create a perfect discord server

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2 days for delivery

( 32 reviews )
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unlimited revisions

High responsiveness

100% Buyer Satisfaction



anti-raid system

Setting up anti-spam

automatic moderation

Verification system (using reaction/CAPTCHA)

custom embed

welcome screen

custom welcome image

automatic roll

custom role

role of self

custom channel

Private Staff Division

Embedding custom rules

announcement channel

server backup

leveling system

theme emoji

Deleted messages and image logs

Moderation log

invite tracker

server log

voice log

Changelogs for all other servers and members

Join and create a VC

AFK channel

Server Insights/Stats

present bot

ticket system

Automatic alerts for YouTube/Twitch/Tweet/Reddit

game update alert

member counter

server bump

polling system

temporary role

starboard system

24/7 music

Gamebot settings (dunk members, game robs, aki, etc.)

role of color

translator bot

NFT holder verification

crypto pricing bot


OpenSea Listing Tracker



Premium NFT servers, commercial enterprise servers and server replication services are also available.

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