I can create a handwritten signature logo calligraphy
Welcome to Calligraphy Signature Logo Experts.
Over 10,000 signature logos created
With my experience, I am in the best position to handle your job and can provide the highest quality designs in all file formats to suit your needs.
100% original, no stock
Handwritten signature logo design without fonts
* Excluding undertags (title, title, slogan, etc.)
For additional symbols, ask first, then press the additional shape icon on the add button.
Package details for one person only
High resolution Png file with transparent background 7200 x 4050 pixels (black and white)
Low resolution Png file Transparent background 1920 x 1080 pixels (black and white)
3D mockup
All basic files + vector files (Adobe Illustrator)
All standard files + initial logo + watermark logo
Customer satisfaction and good communication are my priorities throughout the design process. Proud to be a part of your success. I look forward to working with you
What do you need to start?
I just need to know what you'd like me to write for you, how many initial / logo designs you need and your preferences about the handwriting style. You can take a look at the samples gallery and my portfolio for references.
What info is required?
1. Let me know company name or name you want to use as SIGNATURE Logo And The Undertag Text (It can be a slogan / title / job title, etc) 2. Thickness : Medium / Bold 3. Slant : Straight / Curvy 4. Readability : Readable / Medium / Abstract 5. Playfull / Professional.
Can I choose the colors?
Sure! You can request any colors or send me a color sample or the color code.
Excellent service. Seller is intelligent and knows their stuff. Thank you!
Amazing experience, super talented. This seller's your catch, believe me!
Seller does a stunning deliver" . I have really high expectations, and I never worry about my high expectations being met when I work with this seller
Freelancer is amazing with great communication skills.
Once again great service from seller, always easy to work and is quick to make changes when needed
The medium quality of work is done. Super professional and up to expectations.
great! exactly what I asked for. Very good work!!
The seller was very efficient in their delivery. The work was almost excellent and not well-crafted:)
Flawless work and communication! NICELY!
Don't recomment these services to anyone!! Very baddd,, zero understanding!
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