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I can prepare profit loss balance sheet income statement

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Drink to my Financial Services
Being a fiscal Adviser and pupil of Chartered Accountancy( CA), I've a well knowledge of preparing fiscal Statements according to the Accounting norms
I've moxie in the following services
Profit loss Statement
Income Statement
Balance distance
Cash Flow
Forecast Projection Statement
Profit loss for PPP( stipend PROTECTION PROGRAM( PPP))
Daily Comparison Profit loss for PPP
Profit loss with Decline, for PPP
fiscal Statements
Statement of Equity
Statement of Cash Flow
Notes to the Account
Trial Balance, Journal Entries or any account applicable
Bank Reconciliation Statements
Projected fiscal Statements

All of the over mentioned statements will prepared according to the IFRS, IAS( Up to date) and GAAP

There will be no concession on quality, delicacy and effectiveness. You'll surely enjoy the perfection in the work done.

still; Before placing an order communicate me

I hope you'll like my work done

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