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Starting at $50.00

I can do bookkeeping and data entry in quickbooks

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2 days for delivery

( 34 reviews )
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About This Gig
I've 10 times of experience in account, Bookkeeping and data entry in QuickBooks Online, Xero, Wave, NetSuite and QuickBooks Desktop.


My gests include

- Setting up maps of accounts,

- Manually/ bus deals,

- Import/ import data

- A/ R and A/ P operation

- Set the levies

- Payment processing

- Rapprochements of Banks and Credit Cards

- Manage multiple accounts and currency

- End of time reporting

- Creating importing deals bills and checks

- Creating importing seller bills for expenditure and force purchases

- Writing checks

- Entering importing credit card charges

- entering client payments

- Making deposits as per bank statements

- Paying merchandisers bills

- coordinating Accounts receivable with client payments

- coordinating client payments with bank deposits

- coordinating merchandisers bills payments with bank Payments pullout/ Transfers

- coordinating Accounts Payable with merchandisers, entering force particulars bills.



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