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Starting at $89.00

I can get US 1040,1065,1120 tax returns prepared and issued as a US cpa

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( 47 reviews )
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US Tax Preparation - Authorized IRS PTIN Holder - Practice CPA (GU) (License # 4470)

Tax Preparation - Authorized IRS PTIN Holders

I am authorized to sign tax returns in my own capacity using my PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number).



Form 1120 (Corporate)

Forms 1099 and W-2

state tax

State sales tax filing and filing

Form 1120S (Escorpion)

Form 1065 (Partnership)

Form 990 (Exempt Organization)

Form 990-PF (Private Foundation Returns)

Form 990-T (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return)

Form 1040 or 1040EZ (sole proprietor)


I guarantee:

Service accuracy is 99%.

Be meticulous and complete assigned tasks in a timely manner.

You can also file a tax return.


Services range from simple tax returns with multiple states to complex tax returns. Our goal is to provide clients in all 50 states with faster turnaround and easier and more convenient service.


Please contact us for more information before ordering.

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