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Polski Polski
Starting at $20.00

I will place a banner on a website about paranormal phenomena

0 orders in queue

3 days for delivery

( 31 reviews )
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Banners must not relate to adults, gambling, or pharmaceuticals. We will not accept it and your order will be cancelled.


We cannot promise sales and conversions.


You can choose to create your own banner or have it done by a professional designer (extra gig). You can save the banner for later!



  1. For advertising on our homepage and most popular articles - 750x300px (rectangular).
  2. For ads on all article sidebars - 300x300px (square).
  3. Or there are additional gigs in every area.


(Banner can be similarly sized as long as they represent the same shape.)


I also have more than 10 years of experience in graphic and web design. Nice to meet you!

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