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Starting at $35.00

Life coach and listen to you with empathy

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( 34 reviews )
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When we feel alone, depressed, and unwilling to keep going, we struggle with different situations throughout our life that not always can be solved on our own, there are moments in our life that we need advice. A life coach, but more than that I've been stressed and anxious, so all this has helped me to grow in an incredible way. That know, everything I want to do is helping you with the same.


I love helping people overcome their fears and be happy just for who they are. Please, if you can relate to any of these statements, Let's work it out! I mean, if you are:


  • Dealing with anxiety and fear of future
  • Excessive preoccupation
  • Hate your current job and wish to do something meaningful for you
  • Not satisfied with your personal, social, familial role and wish to improve
  • Don’t know what to do with your life

When you want to:

  • Find your life purpose
  • Form better relationships
  • Gain self-confidence
  • Self-love and worth


We will work out together!

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