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Starting at $30.00

I'll tell you and show you how to use a blender

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This course is for people of all skill levels looking for a structured and personalized environment to learn how to use Blender.


I'm also a Youtuber with great interpersonal skills who uses YouTube to teach people how to use his Blender and other software under the guise of Falzon tutorials. This course is an extension of this effort.


The course begins with a comprehensive 15 minute free phone call. Here we discuss the objectives and how to achieve them.

We then outline the times available, depending on the package.


Options are:

1 hour training

Split 3 hours of training over 2 weeks

Or split 7 hours of training in a month


Each hour is spent on a call via Skype or Discord with screen sharing enabled. Network interruptions do not count toward the time limit.

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