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Starting at $34.00

Professional warzone and mw2 cod coach for you

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( 21 reviews )
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According to Call of Duty, it is one of the most popular Esports in the world, and if you are a player who's plateaued or wants to go pro, I'm your coach.


For the first time, 10 years of development my coaching program, you will learn: aim tips and timings, predictions, Gamemode (Warzone included) fundamentals, communication, and the 3 core habits to make you start thinking/playing exactly like a professional COD player.


Since 2012-2018, I've won multiple online tournaments/leagues, placed at majors, and became an amateur player. In the end, I switched to full time coaching and became the professional coach for the Wichita Wolves (the official Esport team of Wichita Kansas).


I accumulated $40k in profits for the Wichita Pro team, and I was shown on Expel's youtube channel showcasing my coaching. It turned out that I was the Outreach Manager for ProGuides. In the past, I managed 1000+ coaches and was a part of the team that marketed Scump's and Imperial Hal's courses and bootcamps.



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