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English English
Polski Polski
Starting at $25.00

I will write ad copy for Facebook, Instagram, Google that sells

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2 days for delivery

( 24 reviews )
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Hello friends! I bring to your attention gigs on writing advertisements for social networks.


We're an expert in - Facebook Ad Copy, Instagram Ad Copy, Google Ad Copy, Amazon Ad Copy, Dropshipping Ad Copy, etc.


Being an ad copywriting expert, I've cracked the 100% proven formula yet template of highly converting ad text that comes with captivating headline and primary ad text description by highlighting the customers pain point.


Stop Wasting Money & Convert Every Single Penny Which You Spent On Social Media Ads!


What will you get in the base package?


3 Facebook ad
3 Instagram ad
3 Google ad


I offer 100% Money Back Guarantee because we are confident what we promise to deliver (engagement & conversion)

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