I can create penetration testing of web applications after the output of the owasp report
The best way to find flaws in your web application istodopenetration testing. Web penetration testing allow send usersto identifysecurit weaknesse sthroughout a web application andits components, includingsource code,databases, andservernetworks.
Theservice helps developers prioritizeidenti fiedvulnerabilities and threats and developremediation strategies in professionally written reports.Vulnerability description, exploitsteps, recommendations, rootcause,etc.
Conductanexternal(withoutaccess) orinternal(withaccess) penetration test of your website.
What is included in My GIG?
Top 10OWASPVulnerabilityTests(SQLi, XSS, CRLF, XXE, RCE, LADP, SSTI,etc.)
Manual vulnerabilityassessment
Scanopen ports on the server
Scanningformalware infection
Test in go pencomponentssuc has firewalls, routers,DNS
No false positives
Security Recommendations
How long does the work take?
Usually 5 days!
Tell us about your experience in this field?
I've been doing this for 5 years!
If I don't like the result, what should I do?
We will bring everything to the perfect result that you will like!

It was a very pleasant surprise to work with this profi seller.

Thanks a lot for helping me out so quickly! Totally recommended :)

Very done and highly engaging results, just loved it
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