I will record your voicemail and IVR voiceover in english
Hello people! I am ready to professionally record my velvety and timid voice for voicemail, IVR, voice greeting messages, and phone greetings in English.
Why choose me?
Your voice-only audio files will sound crisp and clear. There will be no breaths or external noise, and it will have a perfect pace for a fantastic over-the-phone listening experience.
I can flawlessly deliver both neutral professional British English that sounds reassuring trustworthy, confident, natural, sincere, conversational deep, and rich.
I can help you demonstrate that your business is culturally diverse and inclusive.
Attention⚠️ The voice is recorded for personal use only, I do not grant any commercial rights.
Thank you!
What is included in the gig price?
Professional writing 50 words. Need more? Order extra.
Can you fix my script if there's anything wrong with it?
Generally speaking, no. I will not automatically fix your script if something seems odd to me.

Excellent work, I am very happy! I highly recommend the seller for work!

Medium service but yet almost amazing piece and always in time what I wanted!!!

Understood not so well the requirements well but delivered on time. 😉 Thank you.

Almost understands the customer and provides medium work.

The delivery time has not been respected and the work had a great quality,

Almost great work, will work with together again!!!!!

Wow.. Quality work delivered in record time

I do not recommend this performer. It didn't work at all.

Goodworking with freelancer! Still needed more time to manage! They almost took everything I had already put together in my business!

Great Communicator,Not always in TIME!
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