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I will write powerful product descriptions in German

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( 4 reviews )
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Hi, friend! Glad to see you in gigs. I will offer you a description of your goods in German. I have a lot of experience writing articles, translations, business articles, etc.


Why write quality product descriptions?


✔ Poorly written descriptions leave out pertinent information that your customer base may need when making a decision about your product or worse it may be lacking the proper keywords and SEO that organically get more eyes on your products and brand.
✔ Photos and videos create initial interest but, a product's description will often make or break the sale.


What am I doing for you?


✔ Gain more sales - by writing captivating and compelling product descriptions that will get customers buying.

✔ Help you stand out - by supplying you with 100% original copy for your brand and products.


What will I get by paying gigs?


1 professional product description in German up to 200 words.

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