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Starting at $10.00

I make children's video coloring books, rhymes "Magic Finger", children's animation

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( 4 reviews )
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Draw + Color + Animate Eyes.


Hello and welcome to my gig.

 I make educational videos for children. Kids love to draw and color and learn by watching videos. 

Create stunning video animations of drawing and coloring any object, character.

You can order videos from YouTube, e-learning programs, educational centers, and more.


Characteristic :

- custom drawings

- Coloring and drawing eye animations with effects

- Custom character animation (color pencil / vegetable / food / any object)

- realistic drawing and coloring animation

- background music


- friendly communication

-Fast delivery


So you might be surprised to find all these features in one service. But yes. That's why we call the best coloring books gigs.

don't be late Please contact me about your video. Or order now!

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