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Starting at $40.00

I will publish your IOS App to AppStore

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4 days for delivery

( 49 reviews )
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Hello dear clients. I will help you to place your application on the App Story. I have a lot of experience in this business, I hosted my application and clients, so don't worry.


This gig is for uploading .ipa file or Xcode project to apple account. I will need .ipa file or Xcode project and your paid apple developer account cred.


So I will do all requirements that are needed for your app to appear on App Store after review.


What do you need to upload an app to App Store?


✧ App name
✧ App description
✧ Support URL
✧ Privacy Policy URL
✧ Your phone number with country code to put in app store
✧ Your paid apple developer account credentials
✧ iPhone app screenshots (1242 × 2208) (minimum 3 screen shots)
✧ iPhone X app screenshots (1242 ×2688) (minimum 3 screen shots)
✧ iPad app screenshots (2048 × 2732) (minimum 3 screen shots



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