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Starting at $150.00

I will write a mission, vision and core values for your brand

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( 26 reviews )
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Hello, my name is John😉 I have my own marketing agency and I have been successfully working in this environment for several years.


One of the fundamental building blocks of a revolutionary brand is a clear definition of what you offer, what you stand for & how you envision your brand growing. Achieving clarity is the most important step on your journey from taking your brand from bland to booming.


Having a flawlessly crafted mission, vision & core values ​​mapped out helps in three essential areas:


🧡 Shape your business as you grow, guide you towards your goals & keep you on the fast-track to success.
🧡 Inspire your team to reach new heights with a comprehensive picture of how you work, where you’re headed & what’s most important to you.
🧡 Connect with your target audience by letting them in on the value that you offer & the fundamental principles that make your brand tick.


Awe-inspiring 'Power Statements' will keep you and your team confidently focused on what is at the heart of your brand & will help you to stand heads & shoulders above the crowd.


Note. The base package includes: Powerful mission and vision statements, list of core values ​​& description of your ethos. (500 words)


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