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Conduct a professional trademark search

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( 34 reviews )
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New trademark search service on Gigs. In addition, I have a lot of experience with trademarks and portfolios for multinational corporations. According to my knowledge, I will use the search tools at my disposal to search for any name or slogan you are interested in trademarking.


It is worth noting that I will tell you whether the name has been found and also give you a list of all the similar names and slogans that turn up (if any exist). Additional information will be provided to you in the search for you, as well as how to select a proper class and draft an acceptable description, price, and expected time-frame.


In the United States, this information only applies to searches in the US. As each country will have its own set of rules and regulations. Global International searches will strictly be the result of international searches.


I do not create a name for you to use. Now have a name you want searched.

* At this time, no logo searches were completed. They are only names and slogans.

No legal help was offered.

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