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Starting at $40.00

I can clean, fix and restore audio recordings

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3 days for delivery

( 25 reviews )
Contact seller


Please contact us before ordering so we can arrange everything.

Please do not place an order until you send me a sample or piece of audio that needs to be modified. thank you very much!


I turn your imperfect sound into original, useful material.

Remove noise, distortion, reverb and more.


We deliver professional quality results quickly and efficiently.

Common issues that I can fix:

Ambient background noise (including echo/reverb)

Tape hiss

Electronic interference such as hum and buzz

Sudden background noise (cough, cell phone ringing, etc.)

Clicks and pops from old vinyl, shellac and gramophone records

Clipping in both the analog and digital domains



If you have detailed work that needs to be processed, please contact me. We will check and let you know how many gigs to buy.

We also do free trials so you know what you're getting.

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