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Starting at $35.00

I will increase the sale of cash buyers and motivated sellers by tracking passes

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( 22 reviews )
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I am an expert in real estate lead generation, providing core knowledge on how to generate cash buyers and motivated sellers for investors, wholesalers and real estate agents looking for leads in all 52 states. 


Cash Buyer Search Criteria:

Landlord/Limited Partnership

non-owner-occupied property owner

Purchase at least two single-family homes

Dates more than one year in the past for quantifying leads

Mailing address different from the accommodation address

Selected locations in the US only


Search Criteria for Motivated Sellers:

Most likely to sell property in 6-12 months

the seller is not facing a difficult situation

not for sale or not for sale

In-state - out-of-state owners

better than driving for dollars


owned by owner

may be empty

Possible tenant

Skip Trace Service Highlights:

Each order is skip traced in Lexis Nexis or TLOxp

Top rated service recommended by real estate gurus

24/7 Customer Support / Available 24/7


Before ordering a gig:

For prospects, please specify only one location per order

Do not mention multiple locations to investigate

If the need arises, please contact us in advance for special orders.

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