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Polski Polski
Starting at $10.00

I clean, improve, restore, edit or convert your audio file

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( 45 reviews )
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Quality audio editing

Sound engineer and music producer with over 4 years of experience

Mutual understanding and professional service.


Then you come to me!

My philosophy is to get into the soul of your project and feel what you want to say, what emotion you are trying to convey, and how you want your brainchild to be heard at the end, I think this is the only way to do this.


What format can be?

commercial and corporate

films and routes

Podcasts, TV, YouTube

recording outdoors and at home


What can I do?

Noise removal and rebalancing

bring warmth to your voice

leveling voice

I mix my voice with music

voice mixing



Basic (clear, improve, restore)

General cleaning/improvements

Process all audio together (no editing)


Standard (podcasts, webinars, interviews, meditations, audiobooks)

process files individually

make basic edits

mix with provided music


Premium (TV, Movies, Advanced Dialogue Editing)

Independent processing of multiple parts/edits

Reduction/elimination of breathing

get warm

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