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Polski Polski
Starting at $25.00

I can do accurate construction cost estimate

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( 32 reviews )
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About this gig 

I have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and over 3 years of cost estimating experience. I specialize in commercial and residential construction projects. I can provide full detailed selection of material as per FORMAT (CSI POMI NRM1) with accurate pricing (RS stands for Internet) whether the cost estimate is done before or after bidding


I take my time and focus on the small details and I won't rush what you have to offer


Area of ​​expertise:


-New construction and reconstruction
-Demonstration works, concrete reinforcement, masonry
-Steel structures, lumber and metal studs.
-Internal and external finishing, including plasterboard.
Thermal insulation, including all types of insulation, roof and siding.

Full set of electrical, HVAC, plumbing.

Earthworks, including excavation, planning

To avoid confusion about price and time, please click "Contact Seller" and discuss the project.

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