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Starting at $49.00

Create high converting facebook ads campaign

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( 13 reviews )
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Searching for a Facebook Marketing Expert? You shouldn't look any further! :D)


A top-rated seller on freelance platforms, working with hundreds of brands generating over million for some of our clients has been found to bring the best profit from your business through Facebook Ads.


We've used multiple tools to create thousands of Facebook ads for some of the brightest solopreneurs around the world, generating leads and sales every day.


For You, In a Nutshell: Here's What We Can Do for You.


  • Create & Optimize Your Ads
  • Do Audience Research
  • Split Test Your Audience & Ad Creatives
  • Analyze Campaign Metrics (CPM, CPCP and ROAS)
  • Kill Underperforming Adsets/Ads
  • Scale Profitable Adsets/Ads
  • Launch Retargeting Campaigns
  • Create & Launch Custom Audience/Lookalikes


They are more expensive to learn, so skip the headaches and outsource your project to Marketing Nerds.

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